OK most people who know me realize I am not a very patient person. I am the kid who wanted to know what they were getting for Christmas because once I had decided what I wanted, I just felt better knowing for sure that I wouldn't be disappointed. I would open my presents and then re wrap them, if it wasn't something I wanted I had time to convince myself that I "should" like it, and if what I wanted most didn't happen to be there then I simply started figuring out a way to get it for myself. Enter my current dilemma... I have been thinking about getting a dog lately. As I've researched and discussed I have narrowed it down to the fact that I want a Boston Terrier Puppy. Problem is that I can't find what I'm looking for here in SLC. I search daily (I confess). There are a few available but their markings aren't right or it's a boy (I want a girl)or it's to old, or it costs too much money. So I'm just sharing a picture of what I want till I can share MY photos of what I get. Also if you know of any connections that might help me on my quest, I'm all ears!
Ohhhhhhhh I want this puppy!

photo credit: Elvis
Owner/Mom: Vira, Quebec
Wow, I can relate to this on every level. I too was that person that would unwrap my presents and for the very same reason. And I still love to know ahead of time what I will be getting. AND I have been thinking about getting a dog myself. I'm curious as to why you chose this particular breed?
I can answer your question Darilyn, because our grandma has had boston terriors forever and her mom raised them, so they are just the natural choice for the family. omg - looking at the pic of the dog makes me WANT one too. Like sooooo bad!! Don't suck me into this please. I AM NOT BUYING A DOG!! At least not for awhile. Oooohhh even as I say this I can just see Niklas playing with it and how excited he would be. He has begged for years. Do you have a name yet? Somehow I thought of Twilight, you should name her Renesmee or something. Ok, now I'm rambling, but on second thought, maybe not that, it would be like Reni for short. Anyway, Happy BT Dog Hunting.
Yes Quinn is correct. However let me tell you a few other tidbits that influenced me:
They are wash and wear- you don't have to spend a lot of time or money taking care of their coat. They don't shed excessively. They can be a family dog and not just favor 1 person and snub everyone else. They are very smart, which makes it easy to teach them all sorts of stuff. They don't require a lot of exercise (long walks) but they love to play with toys. If you want to play ball, they are all over it and yet if you want someone to sit by and snuggle with while watching TV they love that too. They are very alert and will let you know if anything is amiss. They are house sized without being fragile and yet they aren't so big that they will knock you or your guests over. They are very sociable and love to be where people are, it makes them happy. And finally I think their big eyes are so expressive and CUTE! I'm going to meet with a breeder tomorrow :-}
All I can say is.. can I borrow her just to pretned i have a dog? So CUTE!
If you don't find a breeder down there, we know an awesome one here who actually has a litter right now and I think she has one or two available. I love my bt "puppy" (he's 9) I'll even hand deliver if you would like.
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