Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I love when things make me laugh out loud

so after a rather long and stressful day for reasons I’d rather avoid… I heard this song


and I laughed so hard I had to go inside and look it up and listen to it again

and again

and well again

ya  I love when music makes you feel better.

Friday, November 5, 2010

For Fran & Henry

Praha (or Prague as we say in English) is a very special place for this couple. Apparently years ago they got engaged on this very bridge! Since it was quite late in the evening it was very dark and “all their pictures came out crappy”. So Fran requested that I take some photos of the bridge on my recent excursion. I love to have an assignment. I wish I were a more patient person because then I would have just ignored the request or even pretended to have forgotten till Dec 11th and then surprised Fran on her birthday. Obviously I’m not that patient, so here is your finished product(s). GUS_7894

To get this amazing perspective of the bridge, we actually paid to climb the watch tower all the way to the top. We packed along, 2 cameras, a tripod, scarves, gloves and everything  just before sunset so we would be setup and ready to go at the perfect time.


This is just as the sun was starting to go down.


You can see the warm evening sun starting to reflect off the Prague Castle on the hill.

GUS_7917 Now the sun has dipped below the horizon and the lights of the city have turned on. It was truly breathtaking. I’m shivering but totally enjoying this view and all that I see around me when out of nowhere ….


it starts to pour down rain mixed with hail and it even turns to snow before I have all of my gear quickly stowed and out of the nasty weather.  Quinn had left me to go warm up a bit in a museum a few floors below me and I had assured her this was no problem because I was perfectly content to snap away on that tiny rooftop for at least another 1/2 hr.  Of course the one thing we had not brought with us was an umbrella!


So I don’t know exactly where on the bride they got engaged, but just imagine if it were right here by this very lamppost?


The next day from a different bridge, again just before sunset, I got this… 

charlesbridge2 saving my favorite for last….charlesbridge2infra

I think it looks magical in infrared.

Monday, November 1, 2010

HaPpY hAlLoWeEn!!


All my spooks


Kira- so hot she glows in the dark


One scary old lady


Kali- a good witch

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Bella- my lil’ pumpkin


Kyle- self described “superman”

and practical too, his cape doubles as a towel

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Hope you all had as much fun celebrating as we did.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Mish Mosh

I am still galivanting. I fly home in just 3 days. Where has the time gone? We have been able to do sooo much on this trip but of course there is no time for blogging. So here is the sweetened condensed version of the last two weeks.


Europa Park= fabulous fun, including roller coasters :-)


The lovely Meike (see previous Post)


My favorite brand of Swiss Chocolate (also THE most expensive chocolate I have ever indulged in)


The Klaproth kids- just one of the many families I have grown to love and enjoyed doing a portrait session with.

GUS_8580 My absolute favorite German soccer goalie- aka Jeffrey

One determined little monkey! Some people call him Tyler


Beautiful blondies- I can never get enough of these girls

GUS_8657 Niklas and Benny- handsome fellas


Tori and Quinn



I promise a whole post on Prague, coming soon.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Falling for Switzerland

Just in case you haven’t heard, I’m currently “off gallivanting the globe” as my dear husband likes to say. I flew to Germany to visit my sister, and then together we flew to Switzerland to visit her sister in law. Meike is the most gracious hostess and it is always a treat to see her. We went for a photowalk through her village and here is your eye candy from that.

D20_3331 Kudos to my Sister Quinn for this amazing shot. The rest are mine so just enjoy…

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

I am certainly NOT perfect

I read a post today that was very powerful and true. Sorry I don’t have a photo for you today. But this is a good read.  I AM real.  And so are my children, and my husband. We do try to be good but we are NOT perfect. Thanks for loving us anyway.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010


GUS_6644 Sometimes I really love my job! More so on the “fieldtrip” days than on the “sitting in front of  the computer for hours on end” days. This last weekend we had a workshop in Moab and it was so beautiful to be outside.  All the red rock, the perfect weather, having my camera and time to shoot anything that caught my eye. We had a model that we could work with or we could wander a bit on our own. Here are a few pictures from Saturday night.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Katy Perry & Elmo

Now for something completely random...

(it’s a link… you have to click on it silly)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Homecoming 2010

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The girl- Kali Darling


Pretending that she can actually pin the flower on her date.


Her flowers

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The boy- Austin Granger