Am I the only one who is getting sick of squash about this time of year? Seriously. I think one plant could feed the whole neighborhood. Has anyone tried to make zucchini bread with yellow squash... it's on my "TO DO"list for this week... I will let you know if it works. The things we grew this year:
tomatoes (can't get enough with fresh basil and mozzarella)
yellow squash
cantaloupe- not ready yet
watermelon- small but delicious
green peppers
purple peppers- can't wait to try these
honeydew melon- way better than from the store
lemon cucumbers- love these.. can't get enough
mint- looks pretty, smells delightful but now what do I do with it?
pumpkins- threatening to take over the world- pictures to come later
peter pan squash- of course we are the Darlings you know!
red raspberries
yellow raspberries- sooooo much better than red.. trust me
Now tell me what is in your garden? Especially if you really like it.