Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fav Fall Pics

This one was Jeffrey's Favorite!

I am having lots of fun with Quinn and her kiddos being here. Being a photographer people might think that I would take a lot of photos during their stay.... however it's not usually the case. I only get my "fancy" camera out for special occasions. Which of course is completely subjective to my mood at the moment. Yesterday I wanted to get some nice pictures with the rich colors of autumn, so I coerced my most readily available models (aka: anyone at my house when the mood strikes) and off we went. Unfortunately it was Tylers nap time so all he wanted to do was hold his mommy, till he fell asleep. Jeffrey on the other hand was a champ, and was actually begging me to take "one more" long after I was done. (that is an extremely difficult accomplishment, for a six year old) But how many kids get to run straight at the camera during their portrait session? Jeffrey did and he LOVED it. The worse the photo turned out, the more he loved it. So being the indulging Auntie that I am, I tried to shoot pictures that HE would be excited about. Then I told Quinn it was her turn. I have always envied her beautiful smile so we took several typical shots with all her teeth gleaming. Then I asked her to be serious and it was so difficult for her not to smile. Then when I showed her the pictures she hardly recognized herself without the smile. And now the question for you... Which photo do YOU like better? Smile vs. Serious, and why?


Serenity Rachel said...

Definitely the smile--its just much more Quinn. I actually like the first picture with her and Jeffrey--I like her nose crinkles! The back lighting is really nice in a lot of the photos. Funny, because I usually prefer serious photos of myself. When I smile my face and nose look too wide and I don't have that nice of teeth. Thanks for letting Quinn come help me paint! See you tomorrow.

lisabroadhead said...

Both the pictures of Quinn are beautiful, but if I have to choose....I pick the smile. Now for Jeffrey.....his pictures are great, but I won't be happy until you get some pictures posted of him dancing. Man that kid can bust a move!! At the swim meet I was laughing so hard I had tears rolling down my face. See what you can capture for us Gusti.

Darilyn said...

Definitely the smile. I actually don't care for the serious one because she looks worried. You can see the lines in her forehead like you can when people are stressed or worried.

Meike said...

Definitely the smile. Because that is Quinn :)

candace said...

She is beautiful for sure, I like the smile picture the best for sure, you can tell it is more her.

Starke Family said...

Oh I miss you guys!! I think Quinner LOOKS like she is trying not to smile. I thinks it's a fun picture, but I love Quinn's smile the most!
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