Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My new baby "Bella"

"MY bone, no touchie"

"A nice warm leg to curl up next to"
I've done it, I am now the happy owner of a Boston Terrier. Bella was excatly 5 months old yesterday, when I went to pick her up. I got her from my new friend Alice Hickey, right here in West Valley.
The benefits of this are :

1. she's already housebroke

2. she sleeps through the night

3. she's already housebroke

4. she has a personality

5. best of all... she's already housebroke

(oh wait maybe I already said that?)


Quinn said...

SOOOOO CUTE!! And I get to see her soon too. Ok, so I do I get any credit for the name or did you head down that path all alone? Any which way I love it of course.

Gusti said...

You get micro credit. You said RENESME ehwwwww, never. We kinda already had Bella picked out and then we needed something a little similar to her original name and Bella was perfect. Of course with this house full of Twlilight fans everyone loves it.

Darilyn said...

She is adorable. I have one question? Does she shed?

Krista Lou Cook said...

Ohhhh sooooo adorable! i want to reach right into the photo and pet her little head! You can mention the housebroke thing as much as you want. It pretty much is the most important thing. Oh and I think D also wants to know if she gets along with birds. Ya know, the partot kind. :)

Serenity Rachel said...

Cute Gusti! I'm surprised you got a dog with how hard you were trying to pawn your cat off on us :-) See you on Sunday. Do you still want us to sing? Let me know the song ASAP if so.

Sarah said...

Can Belle hide as well as Trina? Ya know that Emma the animal lover is bound to make a visit! PUPPY !!!

Kristen said...

Gusti! I'm so thrilled to find your blog! Your new pup is adorable! Five months is the perfect age, largely for the ole housebroken part - that is awesome! We just got a new puppy too - she is 3 months old and we are in the midst of housebreaking. It's coming along, but it sure does take a lot of time!

I cannot believe what a beautiful young woman Kali has turned into! I remember her as a tow-headed toddler!

Ally said...

I want one!!! If you know anyone who wants to give one up, I am willing to take it!! Todd would kill me. She is so adorable!!

candace said...

Okay cuttest thing ever!!!! So dang cute and I love the pictures of course!