Really this is not rhetorical. Who out there as ever heard of (or used) a Light keeper Pro? It is dubbed as "the complete tool for fixing lights"... Christmas lights that is. You know the kind you test before you hang from the eves of the 2nd story of your house. The same ones that work perfectly on the ground, but somehow get stagefright once they're hung. Or what about the ones on your artificial Christmas tree... yes those beautiful little gems twinkling nicely that come already attached to the tree? Those are the kind of lights I'm talking about!
Let me start at the beginning. Around here I am the one who strings up the lights. Every year I replace at least one whole string because they stop working. Being the planner that I am I buy at least 1-3 boxes of lights each year when they go on clearance, so I'm always ready for the next year. Well somehow this year 3 out of 4 of last years were not working. So I open brand new box #1, NOT working (whoa, doing the math very slowly, I realize that I will be short a string and thus unable to complete the task at hand) grumble, grumble. Plug in brand new box #2 ... NOT working. HUH? maybe my outlet just freaked out on me, try another outlet... still not working. Quickly grabbed 3rd new box and luckily they worked. So recap.. of the seven strings before me only TWO of them are working. The thought of tossing 5 strings of lights into the trash makes me sick to my stomach. (we are talking about the icicle ones, that are really heavy and take up lots of space) Oh well what else can I do, they're junk and must be disposed of. There is no way of fixing them, I'm not an electrician.
Fast forward 2 days now we are assembling the tree that we bought 2 years ago. I plug it in and stagger in utter shock and disbelief as only 3 branches light up. What the HECK, doesn't anything last these days? Shake the tree... nothing. Shake harder... *thinking choice words I am careful not to utter*... still nothing. Think about crying, decide not yet, there must be something else I can try. Start checking fuses with some gadget that tells you if they are good or not. They are all fine. Decide I can't deal with this right now, try again tomorrow.
Next day Anthony spends almost an hour trying to figure out what the problem is. No luck. Repeat. Repeat again. *thinking more choice words*
In desperation I try surfing the web for an answer. A few threads about removing the "white safety bulb" that will render the whole string useless. Then low and behold I started reading testimonials about this lightkeeper pro gizmo. Sounds magical so I scoff and look for something useful. More about this gizmo. I decide I'm going to try and remove the "safety" bulb, what could it hurt? Well this bulb does not come out, so I get the pliers, I will win. Bulb shatters, micro shards of glass everywhere. Wow this is not what I had in mind. Still have to fish base of bulb out. I won. Now I put a new bulb in and ... nothing. I am now ready to illuminate the tree with real candles, in hopes of a grand finale to that blasted tree. I look out the window and wonder how none of my neighbors seem to have this problem. Disgusted I go to bed. In the morning I decide I am desperate enough to try this lightkeeper pro thingy. Four stores later and lots of strange looks, I am back on the web trying to find all possible stores that carry them. Actually at Lowes the guy that puts up all their Christmas decor said he uses it every year and has never had to replace a string of lights since he started using it. Now I must have one. At last 1 store had one in the return bin and it looked like it had been on hold and not actually returned. I had Anthony pick it up on his way home from work and start right away. In less than 1 hour all our lights were back in working order! *I think I really heard the Hallelujah Chorus at this point*
So now fess up, who knew? Have you all been using one for years?
Let me start at the beginning. Around here I am the one who strings up the lights. Every year I replace at least one whole string because they stop working. Being the planner that I am I buy at least 1-3 boxes of lights each year when they go on clearance, so I'm always ready for the next year. Well somehow this year 3 out of 4 of last years were not working. So I open brand new box #1, NOT working (whoa, doing the math very slowly, I realize that I will be short a string and thus unable to complete the task at hand) grumble, grumble. Plug in brand new box #2 ... NOT working. HUH? maybe my outlet just freaked out on me, try another outlet... still not working. Quickly grabbed 3rd new box and luckily they worked. So recap.. of the seven strings before me only TWO of them are working. The thought of tossing 5 strings of lights into the trash makes me sick to my stomach. (we are talking about the icicle ones, that are really heavy and take up lots of space) Oh well what else can I do, they're junk and must be disposed of. There is no way of fixing them, I'm not an electrician.
Fast forward 2 days now we are assembling the tree that we bought 2 years ago. I plug it in and stagger in utter shock and disbelief as only 3 branches light up. What the HECK, doesn't anything last these days? Shake the tree... nothing. Shake harder... *thinking choice words I am careful not to utter*... still nothing. Think about crying, decide not yet, there must be something else I can try. Start checking fuses with some gadget that tells you if they are good or not. They are all fine. Decide I can't deal with this right now, try again tomorrow.
Next day Anthony spends almost an hour trying to figure out what the problem is. No luck. Repeat. Repeat again. *thinking more choice words*
In desperation I try surfing the web for an answer. A few threads about removing the "white safety bulb" that will render the whole string useless. Then low and behold I started reading testimonials about this lightkeeper pro gizmo. Sounds magical so I scoff and look for something useful. More about this gizmo. I decide I'm going to try and remove the "safety" bulb, what could it hurt? Well this bulb does not come out, so I get the pliers, I will win. Bulb shatters, micro shards of glass everywhere. Wow this is not what I had in mind. Still have to fish base of bulb out. I won. Now I put a new bulb in and ... nothing. I am now ready to illuminate the tree with real candles, in hopes of a grand finale to that blasted tree. I look out the window and wonder how none of my neighbors seem to have this problem. Disgusted I go to bed. In the morning I decide I am desperate enough to try this lightkeeper pro thingy. Four stores later and lots of strange looks, I am back on the web trying to find all possible stores that carry them. Actually at Lowes the guy that puts up all their Christmas decor said he uses it every year and has never had to replace a string of lights since he started using it. Now I must have one. At last 1 store had one in the return bin and it looked like it had been on hold and not actually returned. I had Anthony pick it up on his way home from work and start right away. In less than 1 hour all our lights were back in working order! *I think I really heard the Hallelujah Chorus at this point*
So now fess up, who knew? Have you all been using one for years?
P.S. in very nontechnical terms it works like this: lights quit working when a bulb goes out... I know we have the "constant on" type too which is why it is so confusing. A switch thingy inside the bulb is supposed to stay open to allow the current to pass through and illuminate the rest of the lights but it often times gets stuck causing random spots to be out. Then I throw them away thinking it must be the wiring. WRONG. This lightkeeper pro plugs into an empty bulb spot (remove the bulb) and while it is still plugged into the electricity, you pump the trigger and this "opens" all the switches back up. Miraculously all lights come back on except ones that the bulbs are actually burnt out. I was soooo AMAZED after all these years of replacing the whole string that there was something out there to fix your lights! That's why I was wondering if I was the only one out of the loop, and vowed to share my knowledge. Now the "white safety bulb" is a whole other thing but I was trying not to bore people. But let me know if you need this info because I will tell all.
Too have got such beautiful Christmas tree through Home Depot.
Huh, that's really funny with the light pro thing. I don't know why they make those light changes so flimsy, but it seems to me as well like they never work right. Anyway, I'm glad you're en"lightened" now. That was a really funny post.
So does thing make your lights that don't work, work again? I don't get what it actually does. We have two segments of a strand of lights that don't work. This we figured out of course AFTER chris got them up on the house.
So, how much does this light pro cost? I may just have to borrow yours :-) I'm about to haul all of our lights out today.
Darilyn, go back and read the PS. Elanor, no I didn't buy a new tree, because we were able to fix ours :-} I did buy all new icicle lights though because I hadn't found my new gizmo yet. But never again now that I know how to repair them. And the lightkeeper pro is only about $18 well worth it in just one season! Get one for the neighborhood and share it. It runs on batteries (it costs about $10 worth of 'watch' type batteries) I didn't mention that the batteries it came with were not working. (just to add to our frustration and disbelief that this gizmo would work) But here is the ultimate part that I din't share... When Anthony went to get new batteries, Bella decided to have a looksy at the new toy and CHEWED the trigger off!!! Luckily with a screwdriver, he was still able to get the thing to fire. And that my friends "is the rest of the story". I had actually thought about calling this post "holiday hell" because everything that could go wrong did. Anthony was openly jockeying for a "leg lamp" instead of a christmas tree this year just so we could be done with it. lol, but my real fear is that he might have done it rather than buy a new tree.
That sounds amazing. I may have to start my own hunt for one of those gizmos. Your tree looks gorgeous!
Wow! I could picture it all! especially the choice works. J/K I mean the tree. That is the same problem the family I am living with had. I need to tell them about this gizmo thing! You should write Oprah. maybe she will invite you to her show to explain how this thing saved christmas for your family and you can meet the inventor! Happy Christmas!!
You mean no more watching you climb out on the roof and shake the dickens out of the lights to get them to work? Bummer... Thanks for sharing though. I had no idea anything like this existed. I have been restring my garland for years! 'Light Keeper Pro' I've gotta look into this.
Boy, I can't believe I've missed out on this post for so long. I think these are the most comments I've seen in awhile too. Having seen you in action last year putting up your lights (especially on the roof of the second story as the wind and snow whipped around you and then they didn't work) I am glad I missed the fun this time. I laughed so hard reading about it though, especially that Bella ate the "thingy". It so figures and so sucks!! I think German lights must be different because I just see the ones that aren't burning, pull out and replace and I've been using the same strands for probably 7-10 years now. Go figure.
Hey Gusti, good to hear from you! I love your photo's, makes me want a real camera and picture taking talent! it's fun to see how much your kids have grown (of course I only knew Kali when she was 2).
You need to share all of this wonderful new found knowledge with your Granpa Q, the next time you come to Fernley.........
We love you! The Q's
Definitely you need to share this knowledge in Fernley. Maybe next year we'll get brave & haul out the lights!! In the mean time I will start looking for the "light pro gizmo" & of course try to keep Rascal away from it. He would eat the whole thing, just to spite me!!
Never mind just chewing off the handle!
I know Rex is getting real tired of trying to figure out which light is burned out, after he gets them all up on the roof!
Love you, Mom
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