Thursday, August 6, 2009

Update on the homefront

This Hospital Visit is wearing on all of us. Even my little Bella is out of sorts. Home alone all day and engaging in heinous mischief! Poor bored pooch. I hope Anthony survives it and still lets her sleep in our room? I wish he had sent me a picture or video clip of some of her destruction so I could share it with you. I guess she basically is still obeying house rules because she's only making a mess outside. Well except the cereal box that wouldn't fit through the doggie door. Kali left the pantry door open when she left for the day... oops. A loaf of bread, a bag of twizzlers, a box of cereal (Reese's Puffs- my favorite too), a granola bar, a pair of flip flops, Anthony's computer headphones, feminine applicators, toilet paper, dryer sheets and I can't remember what else she brought outside in 1 day. Of course not just brought outside and dropped but shredded and scattered all over the back yard. I guess she's been barking a lot lately too.

And here at the hospital things are getting a wee bit difficult as well. Today is day 9 and Kira is experiencing many of the side effects of the medication (further proving my hunch that she's not getting placebo). She has a very itchy rash around her arm where the PICC line is. She has intermittent headaches, nausea, aches, tiredness and generally "not feeling good". Today she doesn't even want to leave the hospital to go see Kyle and James and Pace and co. The weather outside is matching her moods as well. One minute is shining brightly, the next dark and cloudy, then lightning and thunder, then tons of fierce rain pelting against the window, the so much fog you couldn't even see out the window, then clear and the sun trying to peek out again. And that is all just today. Right now Kira is laying across her bed that she has way up in the air so she can "look down on the puzzle on the tray table" and she's smiling and humming and having me guess what tune.
Who knows what tomorrow will be like but she still refuses to use the B- word. (bored... at home if you say that word I can assign endless chores just for saying it. I find this helps kids understand it's easier for them to decide how to entertain themselves than for me to do it.)


Anthony Darling said...

now I have the weather spreading trash all over too...when I got home, the trash cans had blown over so Chris and I got to pick up all the nasty garbage.

Quinn said...

Oh man, that is really getting rough.