Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Medication Day 1- Again

The highlights of what I have learned today...
  • Kira is highly sensitive to Benedryl (just like me, if it "might make you drowsy" then it knocks her out.
  • Denver can have tornado warnings (and we have really big windows with an amazing view from the 9th floor)
  • Today is actually day 1 because yesterday was day zero and the picc line day was -1. So why does that matter? It maters because on day 14 we can go home.
  • Kira is #41 in this study and there will be 60 participants.
  • The "coolness factor" of the long term implications of this study drug gave me goosebumps today. This drug works, it helps protect your beta cells. It has been proven in several studies. Next it will be tried on people that are in the "will become diabetic within 5 years" range. It means that for the few people who have been tested and know that their body is already attacking their beta cells maybe this drug could get them to stop? Maybe they never develop full blown diabetes. This could change the whole protocol of treatment for these people.
  • So how can you get tested, or why should you? Glad that you asked because there is another study I would encourage anyone who qualifies for to participate in. It's called the "Natural History Study" being run by Trialnet. It is as simple as a blood test that checks for auto antibodies (they are present only if your body is already attacking the beta cells). This study calls for relatives of people that have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes to get their blood checked to assess a risk factor. I myself was checked since my dad was diabetic. Kali and Kyle were checked because of Kira. We all tested negative for now. Kali and Kyle will be checked yearly till they are 18. All of Kira's cousins should be checked if they are under age 21. Here is the link for you to know who to contact about getting your loved ones checked.
  • Lastly, I think Kira is getting the real drug and not the placebo. Of course I reserve the right to change my mind later but as of today I think she is.


Darilyn said...

very cool info. keep it coming.

Nita said...

What troopers you all are and way to go for being so aggressive about treatment and new findings! How did you find out about this study? Thanks for the info, I think diabetes has affected many families in one way or another! My mom has type II. Keep up the good work Darlings and especially Kira~!