Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween 2008

My Darling Monsters
Jeffrey, Quinn & Tyler
Kira the Asian Princess
"Confucius Kyle & FrankenJames"

Spiderlicious Kali

"Mr. Bling Bling" Chris

Two goofballs that still like to dress up

playing with the talking pumpkin head

Laura, Corbin, Kali, Jenica

Being chased by a scary monster!


Terri said...

Loved all the costumes, especially you & Quinn. Do you remember when Linda Johnson & I dressed up to take Corina, Teresa, Shelley, you & Quinn out trick or treating?? Linda & my favorite place was the lady that gave "home made" pop corn balls every year!!
Love you, Mom

Quinn said...

My favorite place was the lady with the popcorn balls too. I wrote about that on Darilyn's blog. I will never forget trudging even in snow the whole mile out to Mercer's (I think) for the popcorn balls that were so fresh they were still hot. Halloween was FUN! Thanks for making me dress up. lol