Hey guys I need your help. I can't decide which color or picture I want on the back of this Christmas card. So I thought it would be fun to leave it to someone else... YOU! I need a decision by Monday. thanks
(remember you can click on the picture to make it bigger)
I really like the first picture better (with the green background) but I love the writing of "Darling Images" on the train of the second pic. Maybe you could do something like that on the first pic down the side of the door that has that empty space! Just a thought! You always do such a great job. Wish we were there so that you could take my family's picture, we need one really badly, as we haven't even had a snapshot of all of us since Sofie was about 2 weeks old!
I like the size of the second photo the best, but the color and the shipping door in the first. Any help :)
I vote for pic. #2
You're asking ME to help you decide!?! LOL, LOL, LOL Ok, ok, I like the second one best - I think.
I vote for number 2 as well...
Well green is my favorite color so that is a no-brainer. I like the way the horizontal picture fits on the card and being that it is the end of the card and the end of the train...clever. I like the first picture better because you can see the girls faces but it doesn't fit as well. So to clear up my rambling: Color-Green Picture - #2
I like the 1st one better. I like the color better and that the girls are looking at the camera. What does the rest of the card look like? It might affect our choices.
First Picture best and color green! Way cute!
Funny...I would have gone with picture #1, but I am sassy that way...and green in color.
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