Sunday, July 20, 2008

Girls Camp '08

Camp was great this year! Now begins the difficult part of selecting the best story telling images to use for the slideshow. Here are a few that I enjoyed and thought you might like also.


Krista Lou Cook said...

So were you a leader? I love camp!

Gusti said...

yes- I was on the Stake Board as the official camp photographer... which means that I am also in charge of creating the postcamp slideshow that we watch in September. The camp part is a blast! It's the after camp stuff that is a ton of work for me.

Sarah said...

Dang it all I miss those girls!! And don't ya know that the Scouts NEVER have this much fun!

swimchicks said...

When are you showing the slide show?


Gusti said...

the post camp fireside is set for wed. Sept. 10th at 7 pm. Plan on coming even though you missed camp this year.