Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What are little girls made of

I just had to share this picture. Mostly because it gives me the creeps. I am not so into letting slimy things crawl on me!

Marissa, Wren, Kira and Mariah
Cousins... sure had a nice visit with the Washington
Darlings. Just wish we had more time.

Beginning again

So the first day of school was yesterday. My house was so quiet. It will take me a few days to get used to it. Today I am trying to catch up all the things I have let slide over the summer. That might take me till Christmas... just kidding.
Kyle my mighty 8th grader

Yep thats Kali driving herself to 11th grade

And Kira so excited to add a new color shirt to her uniform options.
6th grade and up can wear black.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What happens in Vegas...

stays in Vegas. Unless you are me... so OK I'll share the highlights. My good friend Aliesha bought a very cool new car, so cool in fact that it warranted a road trip. (if I were a car person I could tell you exactly what kind it is, but I am not. You will just have to trust me that it's the kind of JEEP that gets lots of attention from total strangers.) I thought we had decided on September, but she decided on August. So off we went. We stayed at The Luxor. We saw Le Reve, ate way too much food, stayed up way too late, shopped, talked, took silly Vegas pictures, ate more food, slept in in the mornings, melted in the 108 degree heat, ate more food, went to the pool, and shopped some more. Where are we headed next time girls?

We had lunch at Margaritaville

Driving with the top down

Me, Aliesha and Jodie

Saturday, August 15, 2009


We had a Young Womens overnighter this week and look what Kali learned how to do...

Almost got it...

Way to go Kali!!

Now off on my next adventure...

PS: I took this with my green baby camera, not bad eh?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

So long Denver, we're outta here

SO these are the final images from our little adventure. All in all not too bad. Now to drive home :-)

Rockies Game

Me and Patience

James and Kyle both got free hats and balls fom waiting in line and watching batting practice

Amy and her nephew Ryan

The only picture of all 4 of us together during this trip

Mr. Kyle

Amy and I


Kyle and Calvin- cousins!

our view

all her guardians as she sleeps

sleeping peacefully after the game

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Boondocks and a date

When Kira's not connected to medicine and machines we try to go have a little fun. Some days she is up for it other days not so much. I guess I am a mean Mom for forcing her to have fun but I know it makes her feel better when we are done. And she sleeps better at night. So this is Boondocks.

Kyle, James & Kira

I love Kira's hands in this one

Patience and Matt going out for her Birthday date
Can you tell I was in charge of dinner?

I told the boys they could cut the pizza... and then I changed my mind

I am getting better at this self portrait thing, at least we are both in the picture. I just don't know what I am doing with my hand?

Bailey and Kyle

Kira starting a puzzle.. that I of course HAD to finish. I mean you can't just leave it sitting there!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Coos Bay Flashback

I just had to share this picture today. I have looked at it so many times today and it always brings a smile to my face. Such good people, such good stories and just not enough energy to tell about it. So enjoy the picture. If you are in it, I can't wait till we can do this again someday. If you aren't in it but should be I hope you can make it next time. I love you guys!

Update on the homefront

This Hospital Visit is wearing on all of us. Even my little Bella is out of sorts. Home alone all day and engaging in heinous mischief! Poor bored pooch. I hope Anthony survives it and still lets her sleep in our room? I wish he had sent me a picture or video clip of some of her destruction so I could share it with you. I guess she basically is still obeying house rules because she's only making a mess outside. Well except the cereal box that wouldn't fit through the doggie door. Kali left the pantry door open when she left for the day... oops. A loaf of bread, a bag of twizzlers, a box of cereal (Reese's Puffs- my favorite too), a granola bar, a pair of flip flops, Anthony's computer headphones, feminine applicators, toilet paper, dryer sheets and I can't remember what else she brought outside in 1 day. Of course not just brought outside and dropped but shredded and scattered all over the back yard. I guess she's been barking a lot lately too.

And here at the hospital things are getting a wee bit difficult as well. Today is day 9 and Kira is experiencing many of the side effects of the medication (further proving my hunch that she's not getting placebo). She has a very itchy rash around her arm where the PICC line is. She has intermittent headaches, nausea, aches, tiredness and generally "not feeling good". Today she doesn't even want to leave the hospital to go see Kyle and James and Pace and co. The weather outside is matching her moods as well. One minute is shining brightly, the next dark and cloudy, then lightning and thunder, then tons of fierce rain pelting against the window, the so much fog you couldn't even see out the window, then clear and the sun trying to peek out again. And that is all just today. Right now Kira is laying across her bed that she has way up in the air so she can "look down on the puzzle on the tray table" and she's smiling and humming and having me guess what tune.
Who knows what tomorrow will be like but she still refuses to use the B- word. (bored... at home if you say that word I can assign endless chores just for saying it. I find this helps kids understand it's easier for them to decide how to entertain themselves than for me to do it.)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pictures, pictures and more pictures

I forgot to tell everyone that I bought a new camera a few weeks ago. The main reason I love it is because it's waterproof and it fits in my purse (ok, thats 2 reasons but who's counting). Do you know how often I have wanted to bring a camera somewhere but I just couldn't justify packing "the beast". No more excuses, my neon green baby camera will go everywhere with me. Even though some of the pictures are very simplistic I think they are better than nothing. So here is a recap of the last several days all taken with my baby camera.

The most exciting thing to do here at the Hospital is surf the net
It's been fun getting to hang with my Sister Patience

Hard decisions... which webkinz do I buy from the giftshop?

James is such a trooper to volunteer to go on this trip with us

I was trying to convince Kira that I should really get the most comfortable bed in the room
but somehow I'm still on the fold out.
At least they feed you pretty good around here

The webkinz I finally chose and named Andrew.

If you look at the tall buildings back in the skyline that is Denver

The military hospital that caused this whole incredible medical complex on 1 site

Playing online with my new webkinz

so I was trying to take a self portrait of me and Kira, obviously I need more practice with my new camera
Kyle on one of the rides at Elitches

Our first Rock concert- Metro Station!

the concert was at Elitch Gardens amusement park

The boys got to spend the whole day there