Saturday, March 13, 2010

Kali’s Jr. Prom 2010

So this is what happens when I overshoot an event that I wanted to blog….. Tooooo many pictures to post. So you get a video instead. Music remixed by Anthony- way to go babe!


Terri said...

WOW!! Super great pictures!! Your Mom being sooo good, managed to get the sound, through our surround sound system, which was, of course up on HIGH (from watching a movie last night). Needless to say it didn't take long to get Rex out to the living room, to see what I was doing. He took one look at the computer & said "WOW that's OUR Kali on YouTube!"
Great job Gusti & Anthony!!
Love you both, Mom & Rex

Alaskan Darlings said...

Looks like so much fun. For both of you, Photographer Mom and Kali!

Terri said...

Hi Gusti,
I of course had to send this out to a # of friends, many have responded, & I felt guilty not sharing the responses (to date) with you.
Love you, Mom P.S. Hug Quinn & family for us!!

I love this video!  Well done and fun! Your granddaughter is beautiful, the hair, the dress and the special moments with Mom! Thanks!  Gail (Fernley Friend, Now in AZ)

Wow! Very impressive!  Your granddaughter is gorgeous! Looks like they had a wonderful time. What great memories to have this available! Rose (WA Friend)

Hi there. What beautiful pictures they are.  I bet Terri is really proud of them. Love Marge (WA Friend)

wow that was great thx so much for sharing Terilynne (Fernley Friend)

  That was so totally awesome. I really loved the dress and she is so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. Much love, Teresa  (A daughter of one of your Gm' Q's friends)

Thanks! What a pretty girl.  So confident.  You must be proud of her too. Kathy(MT Friend now in TX)

She's beautiful!!! Karen (Fernley Friend)

What a beautiful young lady. I hope she had a great time at the prom. Thank you for sharing your family photo's. Love, Jennifer (Our Fernley, Red Hat Queen)