Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Coming soon to a blog near you…

Lots and Lots of pictures!! Yeah, I know, it’s been awhile.  So the question that gets me is do I fill in the gap or just press forward from where I am?  SUCH a crazy, busy summer with many changes.

The one with the biggest impact on our family is that we no longer have Chris (our foster son) .  He moved out the last week of July. Three good years, lots of memories and a laugh that will echo in my ears for many years to come.  All good things  come to an end right? I guess it just caught us off guard.  He is with a new family and doing well.  Enough about that, it makes my heart ache.

For my loyal fans that have told me not to throw in the blog towel, thank you. It’s always nice to be missed.  And this blog  is the only semblance of a journal my posterity will have.  So I guess its worth it.

Your reward for looking today is this picture…GUS_5862

As recent as you can get. Taken just a few days ago. Is it just me or do they look way to old for their ages?


Terri said...

In response to your question: way too old for their ages? I guess it's back to what your Grandma always told me & I tried to pass on to you & Quinn: "Enjoy them while they are 'little', because it is for such a short time!"
Love the picture!! And Love the grandkids even more!!! And of course always miss ALL 7 of our grandkids all the time!!
Love you, Your Mom

Quinn said...

Wow, Kira has changed the most I would say! Boy is she growing into a young lady. She looks GREAT in this picture (Kyle of course too.) Thanks for blogging again. As far as your question, try something like this... for every three blogs forward post one past. That way you can eventually fill in the blog hole, or basically the missing journal entries that I feel are worth going back for. It is of course a topic I have given considerable thought to, but am just not there yet.

Deborah said...

awesome awesome picture!

Krista Lou Cook said...

Kira has changed alot, and Kyle... I am glad you haven't "thrown in your towel", I love to be able to catch up and know what is going on in your life

Melanie Day said...

((((HUG)))) Hope you are doing well. I really enjoyed talking to you the other day. Thank you so much for are such a good friend.

I have encountered that same question myself....still trying to answer. :) I have so many entries that have yet to meet my blog.

I have been meaning to get back with you. Would a Saturday around 4 p.m. be okay to do pictures? Trevin fell at recess yesterday and broke his arm. His face is a bit scuffed up and he'll get out of his splint next week and get a cast. I'm sure we can hide his cast but would like to wait a few weeks for his scratches to heal. If Saturdays don't work for you, Friday's are the next best day for us. Does that work for you?? Let me know and thanks a million!!!!!

Darilyn said...

Just go on from here. Or, pick 5 pictures from the summer to share on your blog with all of us. I'd love to see your top 5.

Gretchen said...

I love Kira's dimples! As for the blog, pick your favorite picture from each of the summer's activities and post it. That way you can catch up without being overwhelmed.

Amy C. Quick said...

How I have missed you...
Chris will be greatly missed in your clan, especially when the teenagers head to the movies...LOL!!
And when your kids get older, we get older...yickes!