Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Katy Perry & Elmo

Now for something completely random...

(it’s a link… you have to click on it silly)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Homecoming 2010

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The girl- Kali Darling


Pretending that she can actually pin the flower on her date.


Her flowers

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The boy- Austin Granger

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Coming soon to a blog near you…

Lots and Lots of pictures!! Yeah, I know, it’s been awhile.  So the question that gets me is do I fill in the gap or just press forward from where I am?  SUCH a crazy, busy summer with many changes.

The one with the biggest impact on our family is that we no longer have Chris (our foster son) .  He moved out the last week of July. Three good years, lots of memories and a laugh that will echo in my ears for many years to come.  All good things  come to an end right? I guess it just caught us off guard.  He is with a new family and doing well.  Enough about that, it makes my heart ache.

For my loyal fans that have told me not to throw in the blog towel, thank you. It’s always nice to be missed.  And this blog  is the only semblance of a journal my posterity will have.  So I guess its worth it.

Your reward for looking today is this picture…GUS_5862

As recent as you can get. Taken just a few days ago. Is it just me or do they look way to old for their ages?