Thursday, January 13, 2011

Now where was I…

Ok, I know you think I’m just a slacker. No posts since November, what the heck? Well of course it’s that little holiday that happens between November and January that gets me every year!  Christmas was fabulous and fabulously busy. In between the hustle and bustle of trying to get everyone’s orders delivered, I also embarked on a ridiculous quest of  assembling a NEW WEBSITE!!! I had lots of help from a friend so I really thought I could pull it off. It’s been “days away” from launching for several weeks. Well I work best under pressure so I’m jumping in and announcing it… My new website WILL be live on MONDAY January 17th!!!

With it comes an integrated blog ( that has not been fun learning to use), tons of new pictures, no more flash based website (so you iPhone lovers can actually look at my site from your phone), an updated pricelist (ok still not quite done) and a few other new features  (like tweetability, and facebooky stuff). My language is so technical, I crack myself up.

I will post here one last time with details for those of you that are on my auto-email feature as a final reminder that you will have to come follow me on my new blog. My website and blog will be available  at the same old web address it will all just  look different.

hhhmmmm, now for a picture with this post.GUS_2811

A snake? Sure why not. I was at the zoo recently, and this guy fascinated me.