Sunday, November 15, 2009


I now offer super cool custom collages. Here is a quick sample.

 Hyrum collage1

Yep, I know you have seen this boy before… what can I say… one of the girls around my house never seems to tire of seeing him.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween my way

Ok I admit it, I am in my thirties and I still love to dress up for Halloween. At my house if you have more than one party to go to then you can be more than one thing for Halloween. We have a large collection of dress up clothes so that helps to make it possible. I even had more than one outfit for Bella to wear this year thanks to my Mom. Since my kids are too big to buy fun clothes for, my Mom will sometimes splurge and send me a little something for my dog to wear. I of course enjoy such silliness. That helps take the pressure off Chris and Anthony who really don’t enjoy dressing up. So this year I didn’t make them.

I was a bit nervous having a diabetic child this year for such a sugar frenzied holiday. I was worried about the hardship this would cause for her and I had all kinds of plans in mind and ways that I could advise her. She really surprised me when she got home and gave all but 5 pieces of her candy away! She said it was fun to collect but she really didn’t want it. GASP…. I could learn a thing or two from her! Kira you are my hero and you make me so proud.




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These ridiculous eyelashes were so heavy, this was the only way I could actually see.